
Do you really want to go to NEEHU, but lack the funding to attend? Are you really excited about the idea of NEEHU and dream about attending but Hartford is just so far away? Are you passionate about the idea of a local/national hypnosis community? Do you write about hypnosis or your hypnotic adventures?  Do you want to become part of this network of hypnotically pervy people having safe hypnotic fun across the country?

Scholarships may include:

  • Up to $300 flight assistance preferably on Delta
  • Networking help to find carpooling or crash space

If we cannot grant scholarships to all applicants, submissions will be evaluated by the event organizing team and people will be selected based on merit and enthusiasm. (Please spell check your entry prior to submission!)

Any questions? Best place to ask is on our Discord server, however you may also e-mail mephki )at( nehg (dot) info!

If you want to support the scholarship program at NEEHU, you can purchase a “benefactor” ticket!

Option 1: Community Enrichment

1. Write an essay of at least 500 words or record a short video (less than 10 minutes) on the topic of:

  • What I have contributed to my local or online hypnosis community.
  • How my trip to NEEHU will help my hypnosis community.
  • Why I would LOVE to go to NEEHU.

2. Provide evidence of hypnosis events that you have been involved in organizing within the past year.

Option 2: New Presenters

1. Write an essay of at least 500 words or record a short video (less than 10 minutes) on the topic of:

  • Your experience with presentation so far
  • Your proposed presentation(s) for NEEHU
  • Why you would LOVE to go to NEEHU.

2. Include any class outlines or notes you may have prepared for your presentations.

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