Rules for NEEHU and EEEHU

NEEHU Event Venue Rules

Note: Violation of any of these rules is cause for expulsion from NEEHU without refund.

  1. You must be at least 18 years old and a registered and paid attendee to be in convention spaces.
  2. COVID Policies. Attendees must provide proof of vaccination (booster and negative test on entry highly encouraged but not required). Masks are required in all conference spaces for all attendees.
  3. Smoking/Alcohol/Drugs
    • The hotel is a non-smoking venue. No fire allowed in the hotel, either.
    • Intoxicated/high people will not be allowed to enter convention spaces.
    • No illegal drugs. (Recreational cannabis is NOT legal in NH.)
  4. No photography or audio/video recording of classes or presenters. Photography is allowed in convention areas against walls with consent of everyone in the picture. Audio/video recording in private only.
  5. No vaginal/anal/oral sex in convention spaces. What you do in your hotel room is your business, and the business of anyone you invite to join you. Sex at room parties is allowed at the discretion of the party host.
  6. Please contain your fluids. Dispose of sharps safely. Use chux or a tarp if needed.
  7. Give and receive informed and affirmative consent for your trance/play. No means no. (Yes means yes.) Monitor your partner for signs of distress and check in as needed. Please let playspace monitors know prior to starting a consensual non-consent scene.
  8. Nudity is allowed in the dungeons at our play party. Don’t sit on the furniture without something between your butt and the chair.
  9. Respect the Con staff and Playspace Monitors.
  10. Respect other hotel guests. Please be quiet and appropriately dressed outside convention spaces in the hotel. There will be other events in the conference rooms across the hall from us. Please be mindful about your conversations on the vanilla side of the pipe and drape!
  11. Respect other event attendees. Respect people’s gender identity and personal space. Ask before hugs.
  12. Respect the space. If you make a mess, clean it up. Wipe down equipment or furniture after use with the provided wipes. Throw away your trash. Extra sheets and towels will be available from the hotel.
  13. Respect the scenes of others. Give scenes their space. Don’t disrupt scenes with activities near them or loud commentary on the actions in progress. Don’t join in a scene without express permission from all its participants. Don’t talk to players in the middle of their scene or immediately thereafter.
  14. House safeword is “SAFEWORD” or “RED”. If you feel a scene is unsafe or non-consensual, contact a member of the Playspace Monitor team rather than directly engaging with the players.
  15. Have fun and enjoy yourself. (Don’t worry, we won’t kick you out if you’re not enjoying yourself.)

NEEHU interpersonal conflict policy

1. We at NEEHU are committed to running a safe event for all those in attendance.

We expect all attendees to behave themselves in accordance with a sense of legal, ethical, and social propriety. We neither hope nor anticipate that any of the following policies will ever be necessary; nevertheless, out of an abundance of caution, we have deemed it necessary to make the following policies clear.  In the case of any person complaining of criminal acts on site, these complaints will be taken seriously and we will respond quickly.

1a. If a NEEHU staff member, while acting in their official capacity, witnesses an attendee commit an act which appears to be disruptive to the safety of others, in violation of event policies, and/or is potentially criminal, NEEHU may take action to address the matter, up to and including:

  • Removing the perpetrator(s) from the event. Removal may be immediate and might lead to a temporary or indefinite ban, depending on the severity of the offense.
  • Involving the local authorities where deemed appropriate
  • NEEHU retains the right to refuse admission to any person for any reason.

1b. If an attendee of the event is accused of a criminal act that is committed during the event, but not in a public area of the event, NEEHU policy is to encourage the accuser to involve the local authorities. We understand that given the nature of our event this may be uncomfortable for certain attendees, but please understand that:

  • We take all claims of such incidents seriously;
  • We lack the fact-finding capacity to determine the nature of events leading to accusation(s);
  • In many cases, we may lack the authority to properly respond to such accusations

1c. If an attendee of the event is accused of a criminal act by another attendee and the act was not associated with the current NEEHU event, our policy is as follows.

  • Where there is legal documentation to support a threat against attendee(s) of NEEHU, such documentation once provided will be reviewed and appropriate action will be taken.
  • Where no such documentation exists, NEEHU policy is not to ban or restrict attendees from events.
  • Understand that: we are deeply aware of the difficulties our attendees feel in handling such conflicts, especially regarding involving the authorities
  • We lack both the investigative and inquisitorial capacity to properly evaluate claims not made in open view
  • We are willing to provide mediation via community ombudsman if both parties feel it would help mend grievances.
2. NEEHU’s official policy regarding any threatening action to the event and its attendees:

2a. Threats, made publicly or privately, that impact the safety or well-being of event attendees will be dealt with swiftly and the authorities will be contacted in such cases.

2b. Threats, made publicly or privately, that impact NEEHU as an event but which do not impact the safety or well-being to attendees of the event (including but not limited to: threats that one will not attend, will encourage others not to attend, or will otherwise economically or socially impact the event) may not be responded to publicly.

  • In some cases, NEEHU staff may, in an official capacity, privately contact individuals who make such threats to determine their justification for said threat and to help deal with potential concerns.
  • NEEHU staff are not prevented from privately contacting such individuals in an unofficial capacity regarding such threats.

2c. Staff should be advised that:

  • Even if completely unofficial, their actions do in some respect reflect on NEEHU. To this end, we encourage all staff to be polite and respectful in such dealings.
  • Staff ought to stress that they are talking in an unofficial capacity and that they should be careful that they are not misconstrued as speaking for the event or staff as a whole.

NEEHU would like to thank MEEHU for inspiring this editing of the rules, the members of the NEEHU presenters list who reviewed these rules and policies, MindControlFun for his help writing the policy section, and anonymous members of the BDSM community unknown to NEEHU staff who gave feedback on the policy section.

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