
Our online conference happens on an 18+ Discord server (the classes are on Zoom!) The in-person con will be hanging out on the same server, and will have areas for in person logistics like play partner and roommate matching, carpooling, and dining. Discord is a great place to hang out with the staff/presenters/other attendees all year round, and we encourage folks to interact online before the con!  It’s a great place to go to ask a question, both about details of the con, or about things you want to learn!  We will have speed trance and other online play opportunities available during the con, that everyone who has purchased a ticket can attend. ($20 for online-only, $80-120 for in person.)

Discord is a free app for PC/Mac/Linux/Android/iPhone that allows text and voice chat.  It is easy to learn!

Click here to join the EEEHU/NEEHU Discord Server (this is different from the server we had for the in-person only NEEHUs.)

Hope to see you there!