NEEHU updates

NEEHU 9 Ambassador/Explorer Program!

Misty is organizing a program this year to help pair up new folks (Explorers) attending NEEHU 9 with more experienced attendees (Ambassadors) who will be there to help them get the most out of their con. This is a program to encourage friendship and help new folk feel like they know someone at the event beforehand, not for making hookups.

We’ve got a form for you to fill out!

You will get a message about 2 weeks before the con you’ll get a message with the name and contact info of your Ambassador/Explorer.

If you missed the 2 week matchup, there will be an at-con match up on Thursday.

There will be a meetup on both Thursday and Friday nights specifically for Ambassadors and their Explorers to meet up and socialize!

NEEHU updates

Let’s Connect!

So I’ve totally fallen in love with Discord, a free chat/voice server platform that is simple, user friendly, and easy to invite people to!

I couldn’t resist making a NEEHU group there for communication before and during the conference.

Come join me! I can’t wait to chat with people!

Click here to join!  Or use this link:

NEEHU updates

NEEHU 6 Fetlife event is live!

Go forth and RSVP!

You can even get a ticket now if you want!  (just click here!)

And of course, our Fetlife group is where you will hear about things first!

Keep an eye out for the hotel reservation site… it’s not ready yet!


Welcome to the new NEEHU website!

We are in the process of ironing out the details for NEEHU 5, and the information will be up on this site as soon as it is available!

Don’t forget that our FetLife group is the best way to interact with the event organizers!

Can’t wait until NEEHU 5?  Check out the National Recreational Hypnosis Calendar for upcoming events near you!